A lot men are bashful when it comes to beauty, often because they'd prefer to be rugged, masculine or handsome, anything but beautiful!Thankfully with a wealth of new men's health and personal care products on the market looking your very best is easier than ever before. Take care of yourself properly and - cliché though it may be - your natural beauty will be shining through in no time!Most men will not admit to needing beauty tips but deep down some men are just as insecure about their looks as women are. Men freak out at the sign of gray hair as much as women do, the best way To years off the way you look is to get rid of gray hair.


Nothing looks worse than jeans teamed with a pair of overly formal shoes - so unless you enjoy the tweed-and-waistcoat young foggy look, avoid wearing brogues or Oxfords with your denims and save your smart shoes for wearing with other types of trouser.
As long as you’re sh oes aren't filthy, full of holes or incongruous with the rest of your outfit, style is really up to you. Don't shy away from wearing trainers or workman's boots because you think it looks too casual - if they work well with your other clothes, put them on.
Some restaurants, bars and clubs still operate a 'no trainers' policy on busy nights, however, so do use your common sense if you know you'll be going somewhere that might require you to have 'proper' footwear.
Even if you're convinced that personality and conversation are more important than looks, don't forget the old rule that only ten per cent of communication is done through the mouth. Your appearance will speak as loudly as your words about the kind of person you are - so make sure it doesn't say anything offensive.

Preventing Foot Odor:
Fortunately there are some simple measures you can take to prevent foot odour:
Bathe your feet daily in lukewarm water, using a mild soap. Dry thoroughly.
Change your socks and shoes at least once a day.
Dust your feet frequently with a non-medicated baby powder or foot powder. Applying antibacterial ointment also may help.
Check for fungal infections between your toes and on the bottoms of your feet. If you spot redness or dry, patchy skin, get treatment right away.
Wear thick, soft socks to help draw moisture away from the feet. Cotton and other absorbent materials are best.
Avoid wearing nylon socks or plastic shoes. Instead, wear shoes made of leather, canvas, mesh or other materials that let your feet breathe.
Don't wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row. If you frequently wear athletic shoes, alternate pairs so that the shoes can dry out. Give your shoes at least 24 hours to air out between each wearing; if the odour doesn't go away, discard the shoes.
Always wear socks with closed shoes.